Fun snippets from Cat Lady-dom on this fine Monday evening.....
1. Today was park the crazy bus on the cat lady's side of town day. Fellow parkgoers at lunchtime included an ankle monitor wearing middle aged woman, a homeless man looking for a light that smelled as though he would explode in a bourbon scented ball of fire if he found one and a creeper on a bicycle who kept doing the over the sunglasses check out the cute girl thing.
Oh yes, my friends....I cut my lunch hour short. Very short.
2. Pretty sure my across the lawn neighbor is pulling the creeper act right now. Dude, you have a girlfriend, stop staring. And put on a shirt.
3. Medicare bid season is over...the cat lady can return to normal life. Until actuarial exam studying season starts. Which is pretty much tomorrow so that's awesome.
4. The cat lady went swimsuit shopping today and tried on just about everything in the store. Turns out I have the wrong combination of assets. In order to find a suit that works one must have no butt and large boobs. I must have missed that day of orientation. I tried to upload a pic of all the suits I tried on. Its impressive...but blogger won't let me. That's how many there were.
5. Creeper dude just belched. Cute.
6. Stopped off at Walgreens today to pick up the cheese and cotton balls I missed at the grocery store this weekend. Conversation with the checker went like this:
Checker: "That's an interesting combination of items."
Cat Lady: "And clearly its all going into the same dish."
Checker: "Well you know everything you buy either ends up in the toilet or the trash."
Good to know, thanks for that one, buddy. So really....glad I didn't buy a bathing suit since I was just going to flush it and end up with a myriad of plumbing problems.
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