I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!! The cat lady would like to officially like to apologize for her extended absence. She has been dealing with what we will call "Cat Lady Ain't Got No Sugar Daddy And Gots To Work To Feed Felines." or CLAGNSDAGTWTFF. And yes, the WTF in that has multiple meanings. Anyway, the cat lady has only been home for a few hours each night. Not enough time to do more than pacify Gordon and get the few hours of sleep she needs to not turn into a troll. Anyway. Enough about CLAGNSDAGTWTFF. For now. This is actually the second post. Blogger got confused by the awesomeness that was the first. That will not be happening again.
Recent developments in cat-lady-dom:
1. The cat lady finally unpacked the last box. Only took ten months. Sad really because that box was serving a very valuable purpose by blocking headlights from shinning through the window. Now Jitterbug has returned to body slamming the side of the bed to try to catch them every night. Poor cat can't get a moments rest.
2. Winter may finally be over. The cat lady only had to scrape ice off her charriot one morning this week. In celebration she bought a lounge chair for her patio. The locals look at her strange out there in layers with a blanket. They can suck it.
3. The cat lady heard rumors of people making margaritas with bourbon for the Kentucky Derby. She must remove herself from this foreign land ASAP.
4. In celebration of her day off the cat lady tried to schedule a massage. She was unsuccessful. She finds it hard to believe that a town this size doesn't have enough rub specialists for all of the mothers and one very needy cat lady. She plans to spend tomorrow camped outside the spa, credit card in hand, tears streaming. She is not above begging and bribery.
5. This is the most boring post ever.
6. Cat lady can't get enough of this future Mr. Cat Lady:
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